Our little Chicken-Lover!

Our little Chicken-Lover!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here we are still. Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days. Thankfully I can say it's because I've been spending wonderful time with my children and my sisters. Nights are still incredibly hard with Phoebe so ther is no time to blog in the evening. I normally have to take her for walks to keep her from fussing and nursing non-stop. Even Phoebe knows that it's not much fun in a hospital room.
She sleeps with me at night in the double pullout couch.
I'm actually just about to talk with the GI specialist any minute now and I'll find out when this endoscopy is going to happen, either tomorrow or next week.
She is keeping her feeds down wonderfully. They are at the GOAL of 30ml/hr. And she is still nursing as well. So her little tummy is tolerating this volume wonderfully. No throw-ups. Every now and then she might spit up when the nurse draws back milk from her tube. But we always know what caused it. But for her to sleep flat on her back all night with her feeds running and wake up in the morning with out throwing up is just amazing.
I've been putting her in this exer-saucer each day and she jumps a little and plays with the toys on it very contentedly. Right now she is in her crib looking through my little hymnbook. (She's a very spiritual little girl!)
Pray that we will get home soon!
Much love to everyone.

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