Our little Chicken-Lover!

Our little Chicken-Lover!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday morning surgery

Phoebe had a broviac line that was surgically placed at 7:30 this morning. The night was particularly rough. Her feeds were turned off at 2:00 so I think she was hungry. She wouldn't go to sleep. I walked round and round the hospital floor sith her in a stroller. It atleast kept her from crying. The nurse tried to take her a few times to give me a break. 6:30am finally came and I got ready to take her downstairs where they would give her anasthesia for her surgery.
I went back up to my room on the 6th floor to wait. When it was over the surgeon and his team came up to my room and came in to tell me that the surgery was successful and that it went very well and she was in the recovery room waiting for me. He was a very nice man with a kind smile, DR. Weiner. I felt like hugging his neck. I was thrilled and immediately thanked the Lord for his Goodness. I went down and nursed her for about half an hour and cherished every minute that I was able to comfort her.
David and the kids came a little while later.

She had a sweat test at 1:oo to test for cystic fybrosis. It took about an hour and a half. It came back negative., thank the Lord.

They started TPN in her broviac line at 6:00pm. That just means that she is getting total and excellent nutrition directly placed into her bloodvessels. But they are giving her gut a rest. She will still feel satisfied even though she is not feeding orally. Tomorrow they will begin to put more food in her feeding tube and possibly even encourage some solid foods.

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