Our little Chicken-Lover!

Our little Chicken-Lover!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No throw up!!!!??

5 days and no throw up!    This is definitely a turn around.
We don't know if many are still reading this blog now that we are home but we know there are still some.
We want to keep the updates going for you and to journal this chapter of our lives to revisit in the future.
Thank you again for your prayers.  How will we ever know how your prayers have moved our heavenly Father to act in ways we could never ask for or imagine.

Phoebe is still around 10.7.
She hasn't grown since the return from the hospital but she has improved greatly.
She smiles SO much more and is much more active, especially when she is layed on her back.........AND she is not throwing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have reduced her feeds.   She just couldn't take the volume so we have been trying to get 18 oz of food into her daily for the last week or so.  She couldn't tolerate 20 oz.  She never got to it in the hospital and hasn't yet.....until TODAY.
We are so thankful for this encouragement.  We believe this to be significant improvement.  If we can continue to feed her this much we will expect to see weight gain.

Blood in the stool.

This has been a concern all along.  They found it in the hospital and chalked it up to cow's milk protein as the cause.
Well, Michelle has been off dairy for 3 weeks now and Phoebe still has positive hemacult tests.  No visible blood, it just shows up on the tests they sent us home with.
Yesterday one movement was negative!  But the next was positive.  Go figure!?  Who can actually understand all of this?  The doctors could not - only the Lord and He wants us to rest in that.  He knows the number of our days and the numbers of hair on our heads - He formed us in our mother's wombs - He is our loving Father and often will prevent us from finding the answers as without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 6)

This has been a difficult road.
The tube, the constant feeding schedule, and constant monitoring so she won't pull the tube out, the late nights as Phoebe often won't settle down until after midnight, wrestling with the fact that our other children are not getting the attention from Mommy and Daddy that they need, and the list goes on.....We are reminded over and over that the Lord said,
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

We are learning this... albeit slowly.
Surely this is part of His higher purpose...for the glory of His name.
It may sound "religious"  but it's all wonderfully true.


  1. We're still here... keep it up!

    Love ya,
    The Pendley's

  2. Michelle-
    I have thought of you and your family often in the past number of years. I did a bit of searching, and managed to come across this blog. You haven't updated your blog in awhile, so I am hoping everything is going fine.
    Give my love to your family, especially your darling mother.
    Erin (was Mitchell, now Richards)


Lots of Walks

Lots of Walks

Phoebe in her chair

Phoebe in her chair