Well, I know it's been a couple of days since we wrote. Sorry about that. No progress with the bottle AT ALL. She's smart enough to know that it's something she absolutely will have nothing to do with no matter how many tricks you think you can pull out of your back pocket. You can't pull the wool over her eyes. She is very smart and very fiesty!
The good news is that her weight gain is fabulous.It was 10.6 yesterday. They can't believe how fast she is gaining. They typically see a slower rate of growth.
As you can imagine, we are thrilled! She's getting stronger, and she looks sooo much better.
Going to sleep at night is probably the most challenging time for us. She so badly wants to nurse at night and she gets so mad. She actually pitches little fits! Can you believe that? Not sweet little Phoebe, surely not. Oh, yes. So midnight is when she finally gives up and conks. Only in Daddy's arms though. She's absolutely inconsolable in my arms.(very difficult for me.)
Now that she is gaining well, David and I are ready to come home with her on the tube. It's been a week now with no trace of milk protein in my diet. They would like for me to wait another week before giving her breastmilk. But, we'll see.
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